Friday, October 28, 2011

(✿◠‿◠) Fashion Fridays: ☠★☠Neons, Skulls 'n Bunnies ☠★☠ (◠‿◠✿)

Another Friday another splurge of fashion. Today I wanna share items and designs themed with skulls and bunnies and items that incorporate neon and florescent colors. I generally don't like to wear too many bright colors because I feel smothered or like I'm drowning, but I really love when there's otherwise plain clothes or somber colored clothed with random splotches in bright colors. I also am partial to skull designs. I love graphix skulls and cute skull designs like skulls with bows, ribbons, flowers and bunnies. ^o^
And talking about neons, who better to head this post that DJ SiSeN? ^^
Soooooo...without further ado, lets start with the skulls :).

These three tops are from Alchemy England. There are a number of their tops that I like, but I chose these ones because they all showcase different styles. Alchemy England - Shaolin Spirit Berlin (left), Alchemy England - Death Zombie Miami (middle) and Alchemy England - Cursed Praga (right).

I like the third one the most, specifically because I love long tops, aaannnnd I like stuff with the seven deadly sins X3. Moving on we have these three skull and neon tops. Couch - Nu Skelly Vest Dress (left), Couch - Nu Skelly Girl's T-shirt (middle) and Couch - Skull Star Vest Dress (right).

As far and animal stuffies go, I'm okay with animal pictures on my clothes but I prefer them not all cute and cuddly, so I especially love this Cupcake Cult - Bunny T-Shirt and of course this Death Kitty - Sophie Top as well. I'm also partial to pink x black combinations. And speaking of pink and black, while totally deviating from the topic...I recommend the webcomic (≧ω≦) Pink-Black. It's about werewolves ^^.

This Luv Bunnys - Luv Bunny Hoody is really cute. And I really like the Hell Bunny - Bad Girl Mini Skirt as well. They're both simple, but that makes them applicable for general wear for school and just hanging out, which is basically all I have the time to do recently, and not very much of the hanging out either ~_~.

Of course skull bunny must be here ≧✯◡✯≦

NewBreed Girl - Skunny Vest

I really love the degree of detail on all the Spiral clothes. This isn't my favorite item from them, but well it fits today's theme and the detail is amazing. I particularly like the feathers.

Spiral - Broken Feathers

Last but not least, also from Spiral, this amazing hoody. Front and back views. I like shinigami as well >.< and purple is my favorite color, aaaaand I love the lace ups, so this is a win win win hoody for me.

That's all for todai ^3^.

Ja ne! ♥


  1. the first three pics scare me.

    the last racer back tank is cute
    the pink and black stripped top with black gloves is awesome
    the blue skeleton bunny tank is also cute :)

  2. I love all of them except the first do you shop it's really cute
